
Every now and then on this strange blue planet, a person of extraordinary purpose is born. In this instance, that person was born in the slums of the Virden Addition sub division in Jackson, Ms and was named Cool Jazz. Cool Jazz’s introduction into rap is a bit different than most. His naturally laid back demeanor and monotone voice has become his moniker, earning him the name “Cool” Jazz before he had ever written a lyric. He only seriously became a rapper at the age of 22, one of the lowest points of his life, by praying to God asking Him for a sign/direction in which to find his true calling. Immediately after saying Amen, a very popular rapper called Jazz’s phone and proceeded to tell him how good of an artist he really was-confirming the fact that Cool Jazz really DOES have a message for the PEOPLE to hear! That message being a review of the world from the unique perspective of the socially, spiritually & politically aware black man in a poverty and drug stricken community. Cool Jazz displays this message the same way an artist would paint a rich, vibrant and detailed portrait and treats the craft of making music as such. A year later in 2013, Jazz founded “Cool Crue” which is both the name of his fan base, and the name of he and his brothers, collectively, whenever they callaborate. The “Crue” in “Cool Crue” is a shortened form of the word ACCRUE, which means to accumulate or come together in regular or increasing amounts over time. Cool Jazz Also Releases Exclusive Merch In The Form Of Urban Clothing ORIGINALLY DESIGNED Cool Jazz and Cool Crue themselves..

Inspired by the likes of Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco and Jay Z, Cool Jazz Hopes To Add His Name To That Upper Echelon Of Hip Hop Martyrs....